La verdad sobre el core bancario nativo de la nube
Meanwhile, more and more customers are moving their financial transactions online – a trend that has been further precipitated by the pandemic. This generational shift in banking has impacts across all channels and services: physical branch, online, mobile, retail, and commercial banking services are all under pressure to deliver and innovate in an increasingly competitive environment. A fundamental change in consumer behaviour is setting new expectations of banking products and services. Customers are demanding ease of use, 24x7 availability, real-time data and analytics, exceptional customer support, full visibility of all banking products, and more.
In the first instalment of this whitepaper series, Transform banking. Transform core., we drew the conclusion that banks must act immediately to survive and compete in the digital era. A key step in taking control of the future is to migrate their core banking systems to the cloud.
In this next instalment we will discuss the key components of cloud-native technology and its benefits: scalability, flexibility, availability, elasticity, and more. To take full advantage of these benefits, core banking systems need to be built in the cloud and for the cloud – coined by many technology giants as ‘cloud native’.
What is cloud native?
Cloud-native technologies empower organisations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach.
These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil.
Source: Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
As expressed in the CNCF definition, cloud-native systems offer speed and agility, as well as the flexibility to run in various cloud environments. To gain these benefits, cloud-native core banking systems need to be built with some key features in mind: immutable infrastructure, microservices architecture, and containerisation.
Immutable infrastructure
In an immutable infrastructure, each application instance functions as a virtual machine or container. Scalability is achieved via automation – instances are created on demand, and destroyed when no longer needed. If one fails to work, a new instance is automatically provisioned for replacement.
Cloud-native systems embrace immutable infrastructure and offer automatic scaling, self-healing, and zero downtime. These features are critical for modern banking as customers demand 24x7 access and real-time synchronisation of transaction data.
Microservices architecture
A microservices-based architecture is the bedrock of cloud computing. Amazon defines microservices as the following: “With a microservices architecture, an application is built as independent components that run each application process as a service. These services communicate via a well-defined interface using lightweight APIs. Services are built for business capabilities and each service performs a single function. Because they are independently run, each service can be updated, deployed, and scaled to meet demand for specific functions of an application.”
Core banking systems built with a microservices-based architecture unshackles banks from the rigidity of monolithic legacy systems where any update to the system can mean lengthy software development cycles and unbearable downtime; not to mention the potential exorbitant costs involved.
In systems built around microservices, software consists of a suite of functional components that interoperate and communicate with one other. Each microservice addresses a specific business requirement and can be run independently. Together, they form the underlying system that offer flexibility, interoperability and portability that are critical for meeting the needs of modern-day banking.
The CNCF places microservice containerisation as the first step in their Cloud-Native Trail Map – guidance for enterprises beginning their cloud-native journey.
Containers are a great enabler of cloud-native software.
Cornelia David
Cloud Native Patterns
Containers are used to package a microservice with its necessary dependencies. The objective is to provide portability and consistency so that the microservice can be platform agnostic and function in any underlying infrastructure. Containerisation also offers cost and resource efficiencies by eliminating the costs of configuring runtime environments and by sharing operating system and host resources.
Managing and running containers require container orchestrators, among which the most popular is Kubernetes. Container orchestration plays a key role in providing scalability and portability.
Service meshes
When running microservice architectures in the cloud, networking between numerous deployed containers becomes a complex problem. Some common issues that need to be solved are:
- Ability to automatically retry idempotent requests
- Establishing persistent connections between microservices for improved performance
- Traffic shaping and request throttling
- Establishing secure connections over TLS and automatic certificate rotation
Addressing these challenges at the application level is cumbersome and error prone, especially when using many different programming languages. This is where service meshes come in. A service mesh establishes a more sophisticated network topology between the microservices in a cluster. This frees up developers from having to worry about common scenarios, such as network partitions or weighted load balancing across multiple backends.
The Istio service mesh, a CNCF project, allows containerised applications to be part of a service mesh in a language-agnostic way, by attaching sidecars to Kubernetes deployments.
API Communication
With microservices being loosely coupled and self-contained, they rely on APIs to communicate with each other. In the new world of microservices, more APIs have taken on a declarative approach as opposed to the traditional imperative approach. Whereby imperative APIs provide step-by-step instructions, declarative APIs are taking the center stage as they focus on the end results and let microservices figure out how to get there.
To implement declarative APIs, developers increasingly adopt REST, which is a set of architectural constraints used in API development. RESTful APIs offer a standardised, stateless architecture that makes it easy for microservices to integrate and automate microservices.
Challenges of cloud-native environments
Managing scale and elasticity comes with challenges. With cloud-native systems exposing their services using APIs and leveraging containers, banks adopt the notion of infrastructure as code. In this manner, an infrastructure topology can be codified as a simple script and then executed each time that infrastructure is required. By changing simple elements of the code, practically infinite amounts of identical infrastructure can be provisioned instantaneously. However, each infrastructure has its own provisioning model. Banks can be challenged to determine a strategy that works with their consistent provisioning workflow regardless of infrastructure type while leveraging the unique capabilities of each cloud provider.
Another problem many organisations face is keeping track of all their assets. This gets aggravated especially in a multi-cloud environment, where services are heterogeneous, do not provide a single pane of glass for their management, and, thanks to infrastructure as code, can be easily deployed from every engineer within the company.
The aforementioned two challenges are common for ephemeral computing environments. Ultimately, banks need a way to detect, identify, categorise, and visualise all the assets being deployed in its enterprise systems, regardless of the cloud provider in use. To do so, cloud-native systems need the ability to consolidate infrastructure assets and the relationships among them in a database supported by an intuitive graphical user interface.
Cloud native is the inevitable path for next-gen systems, including the core. It involves careful planning and migration from legacy technology to cloud-native technology cannot be treated as a ‘lift and shift’ exercise. To exploit the benefits of cloud computing, core banking systems need to be built with all of the features of cloud computing in mind.
Once established on a good foundation, the sky is the limit. With a cloud-native core system in place, banks can better control costs and more effectively respond to customer and regulatory demands.

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